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Vishnu Glorifies 8 Names of Tulasi – Tulasi Namastaka Stotra

We are happy to present the first-ever comprehensive English translation of the entire Tulasi Namastaka Stotra from the Brahma-vaivarta purana. This text is particularly sweet, as lord Visnu himself glorifies his dear devotee, Srimati Tulasi Devi, giving her eight names to highlight her transcendental qualities and her supreme devotion. Each verse unfolds the unique divine connection between Lord Visnu and his dear devotee, offering a profound insight into the spiritual significance of Tulasi Devi.

Text 1

Śrī Bhagavān said – When many trees reside in one place they take a form like hers. Thus, the wise know my beloved as Vṛndā. I adore her. 

Text 2

Because that goddess appeared first in the forest of Vṛndāvana they called her Vṛndāvanī. I adore that beautiful lady!

Text 3

Because she is worshipped perpetually in countless universes they call her Viśva-pūjitā. I adore she who is worshippable by all the worlds. 

Text 4

Because countless worlds are purified by her they call her Viśva-pāvanī. I think of that goddess in the agony of separation.

Text 5

Because the gods are not satisfied by a plethora of flowers (puṣpa) if she isn’t present she is called Puṣpa-sārā. Due to my anguish I wish to see that pure lady. 

Text 6

In this world the bliss of devotion arises with haste just by obtaining her. Therefore she is called Nandinī. May she be pleased with me. 

Text 7

That goddess has no equal (tulā) in all the worlds. So, they call her Tulasī. I take shelter of her, my beloved. 

Text 8

Because that pure lady is Kṛṣṇa’s dear most beloved she’s his very life in embodied form. Thus, they call her Kṛṣṇa-jīvanī. May she safeguard my life. 

Text 9

Standing there after composing this stotra, the husband of Ramā beheld pure Tulasī prostrate at His lotus feet. 

Text 10

Seeing His beloved there, sulking and sobbing because of her pride, He hastily pulled her to His chest. 

Text 11

Śrī Hari heeded the call of Sarasvatī and brought her to His abode. Tulasī and Sarasvatī quickly expressed their love for Him.

Text 12

Śrī Viṣṇu then offered Tulasī this blessing, “May you be worshipped in this world. May you be bowed to, revered by and carried upon the heads of all, including me.” 

Text 13

That goddess Tulasī was completely satisfied by Viṣṇu’s boon. Sarasvatī then embraced her and placed her at her side. 

Text 14

O Nārada! Smiling, Lakṣṃī and Gaṅgā Devī then embraced pure-hearted Tulasī and politely brought her into their home.

Text 15-16

One who worships Tulasī and recites these eight names, Vṛndā; Vṛndāvanī; Viṣva-pāvanī; Viṣva-pūjitā; Puṣpa Sārā; Nandinī; Tulasī and Kṛṣṇa-jīvanī, along with this stotra that explains them shall obtain the result of an aśva-medha yajña.

Text 17

Tulasī’s auspicious appearance took place during the full moon of the month of Kārtik. Śrī Hari thus ordained that she be worshipped on that day. 

Text 18

One who worships her, the purifier of the universe, with devotion is released from all sin and goes to the abode of Viṣṇu. 

Text 19

One who offers a Tulasī leaf to Śrī Viṣṇu in the month of Kārtik will, without doubt, obtain the result of giving ten thousand cows in charity. 

Text 20-21

Simply by reciting this stotra those without child shall have children; those bereft of a lover shall find one; those without friends shall find friends; a sick person shall be freed from his ailments; they who are bound up shall be freed from bondage; the anxious shall be released from their anxieties and the wicked shall be released from their transgressions. 

Text 22-24

Thus, I’ve told you of her stotra. Now listen to her dhyāna-mantra and the rules for her worship. O Deva! You already know the kāṇva-śākhā of the Veda which I shall speak. One can worship Tulasī out of devotion, devoid of a carrier and without the sixteen upacāras. This is her dhyāna-mantra which destroys all sin:

Text 25

[I meditate upon] She who has no comparison (Tulasī). She is the essence of all flowers (puṣpa-sārā). She is pure (satī), worthy of worship (pūjyā) and enchanting to the mind (manoharā). Her form is akin to the tongue of a blazing fire which incinerates all of the sins offered into it (kṛtsna-pāpedhma-dāhāya-jvalad-agni-śikhopamām). 

Text 26

O Muni! She has no equal (tulanā) among flowers and none among goddesses. Thus she is glorified as the very embodiment of sanctity and is called Tulasī. 

Text 27

She is fit to be held upon the heads of all, she is desired by all and she purifies the whole world. She is liberated though living and she herself grants liberation. I adore her who gives love for Śrī Hari. After meditating on, worshipping and glorifying her in this way an intelligent person should bow to her. Thus, I’ve told you the story of Śrī Tulasī. What else would you like to know?

Thus ends the Śrī Brāhma-Vaivarta Purāṇa Prakṛti-khaṇḍa, the story of Tulasī. The Sri Tulasi Namastaka Stotra (Hymn of the Eight Names of Tulasi) is complete.

We welcome you to read our other articles on Tulasi Devi as found in sastra.

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