In the timeless verses of the Garuda Purana, a sacred dialogue unfolds between Sri Narada and Dhundhumara “yo dadāti harernityaṁ tulasī kāṣṭha candanam,” resonates the proclamation,
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Articles and resources about Tulasi Devi from sastra.
Unveiling the Glories of Tulasi Devi – Padma Purana 1
In this translation, discover the transformative power encapsulated in every facet of Tulasi Devi, from leaves to roots, as described in the Padma Purana. The divine
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Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Worships Tulasi Devi
Extracted from Sri Caitanya-bhagavata, this article, adorned with insights from the Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura’s commentary, unravels the divine connection between the Lord and Tulasi Devi.
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The Glories of Wearing Tulasi Wood – Skanda Purana
Tulasi Devi’s glories can be found over and over again throughout sastra, they’re like hidden gems, yet we don’t hear them very often. The next few
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Glories of Tulasi Devi – Sri Naradiya Purana
The glories of Tulasi Devi can be found over and over again throughout sastra, they’re like hidden gems, yet we don’t hear them very often. The
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