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DIY Cow Dung Tea Fertilizer For Tulasi Plants

We generally recommend using ready made liquid fertilizers when watering Tulasi Devi to ensure she has all the nutrients she needs to grow healthily. In some places these fertilizers are not easily accessible, therefore we have created this guide on how to make your own traditional cow dung tea fertilizer for Tulasi plants. This technique has been used since time immemorial and has proven to be very effective when done correctly. If you are wondering why Tulasi Devi needs to be fertilized, this short article talks all about it. The article also explains which ready made fertilizer to use. Now let’s explore cow dung tea.

The Importance of Protected Cows

The first step in creating cow dung tea is to consider the source of the dung itself. The purity and quality of the dung directly impacts the efficacy of the tea in providing essential nutrients. It’s best to use dung from protected cows, or those raised in environments where they aren’t exposed to various drugs, and are showered with love and care. Of course this is not possible everywhere, so make do with what is available in your area.

Nutrient Composition

Cow dung tea is rich in essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, along with micronutrients like copper, boron, and molybdenum. While it provides a broad spectrum of nutrients the tea lacks calcium and magnesium, which are common deficiencies for Tulasi plants. Therefore, if possible, we recommend using General Organics CaMg+ in addition to the tea. Simply follow the dosage instructions on the bottle and mix it into the cow dung tea each time you give it to Tulasi Devi.

Cow Dung Tea Fertilizer

1. Obtain Fresh Cow Manure: Acquire fresh cow manure, ideally from protected cows.

2. Dry the Manure: Dry the fresh cow manure by forming patties and allowing them to dry thoroughly (3-5 days depending on weather)

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3. Prepare the Mixture: Crumble the fully dried cow manure and add it to water in a ratio of 1 part manure to 2 parts water. Use the same amount of water that you use when watering Tulasi Devi.

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4. Soak Overnight: Let the mixture soak overnight, allowing the water to absorb the beneficial nutrients from the dung. Do not let it soak for more than a day, or it can have adverse effects.

5. Break Up Softened Manure: After soaking, break up any softened manure pieces to further release the nutrients into the water. At this time General Organics CaMg+ fertilizer can also be added to the mixture.

6. Use Tea Within One Day of Soaking: Make sure you water Tulasi Devi with the tea within one day of soaking the cow dung. Cow dung Tea cannot be stored longer than a day, it needs to be made fresh for each application.​​ Apply as is, there is no need to filter the tea. 

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Application and Maintenance

Cow dung tea should be used once every two weeks, providing a regular boost of nutrients to the Tulasi plant. However, if signs of nutrient deficiency, such as pale new growth or yellowing lower leaves, are observed, the frequency of application can be increased to weekly for 3-4 weeks.

Application should be discontinued during periods of little growth or dormancy, such as during winters. 

It’s important to note that the benefits of cow dung tea may not immediately manifest in existing leaves, rather they may be more evident in new growth. Therefore, patience is key. 


While liquid fertilizers are often preferred for Tulasi Devi, in regions with limited access, cow dung tea offers a natural alternative. This guide provides steps for crafting this traditional fertilizer, stressing the importance of sourcing dung from protected cows. Whether using cow dung tea or commercial fertilizers, the goal is the same: to serve Tulasi Devi and honor her sacred significance, fostering a deeper connection with her.

Check out our other foundational articles on watering, lighting, bugs, temperature, humidity and soil to learn how to take care of the Tulasi plant. If you don’t already have a plant, get some seeds here, and watch our video on how to grow them.

Look over this article to learn how to diagnose your Tulasi plant when she’s sick and feel free to contact us with any questions. If you want to deepen your knowledge about the Tulasi plant from ancient Vedic wisdom, check out this amazing book.

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